Tuesday, May 1, 2012


OMG I can't believe that the 3 months is up. Makes me a bit sad actually.
 As I have said before, I have signed up to do Round Two as I really really love the programme.
So here it is.
The final Stats.

So in 12 weeks I have lost 4.2kg or an average of .35kg/week.
I have lost a total of 20cm off my body with a fabulous 8cm off my waist & 9cm off my hips.
I have dropped a dress size from a Size 18 to a Size 16.
However, in addition to the above I also FEEL better. I feel stronger & fitter.
I can jog for 3-4 minutes NON-STOP now. In week one I could only stumble for 100 metres before gasping like a mutant fish out of water.
I have changed my eating habits & no longer PIG OUT. Yes I have the odd BAD day BUT I'm not sitting down to a big binge attack. Instead of eating 500g of steak I am now satisfied with 150g.
I am no longer eating fried bacon & eggs for breakie.
(I miss you bacon. You will always have a place in my heart sob)
Also, (and this isn't really related to the 12wbt) I haven't had a drop of alcohol for 2 months!
Those who know me know that this is a total freaking miracle.
I stopped drinking more for my mental health than for any weightloss benefits.
I'm still having 'blender head' days (like today) but feel pretty good now. Like when I gave up the durries I keep waiting for that ray of light to shine upon my brow & the angels to sing and suddenly the no grog makes me feel AMAZING!!!  But.... like with the cancer sticks that day doesn't come.
You don't suddenly feel like superwoman.  You just feel ... well... nothing.... normal. It's just that you suddenly realise that you haven't thought about having a smoke in a week. I'm waiting for the time when I don't drive home on a Friday night & crave a bottle of the grape. One day.
This morning I convinced TBF to take my AFTER photos of me in my bra & gruds. It's funny but when I compare them to my Day one pics I can't really see any difference. The big difference is in my clothes but the sight of my blinding white flesh still makes me recoil in horror.
(NO I will NOT be posting my semi-nude pics on here. I will put a clothed AFTER pic up in the next coming days .. you feelthy pervy people)
Thank you everybody who puts comments & leaves me awesome feed-back.
I'm glad that my wee blog can bring a smile to people's faces. If I can help bring a little bit of happiness & naughtiness to the whole, then great!
I am also stoked when I hear that I have motivated someone do get off their bum & do some exercise.
Seriously, if I can do it any poor sclub can.
I'm looking forward to continuing my blog into Round Two as I become tougher than a rubber sheet over the coming months!!!!

PS: in my next blog I will be blathering on about my new fitness & health goals for Round Two.


  1. I'm so glad that you have signed up for the next round. The forums full of earnest people furiously counting calories before we'd even kicked off had me worried!

  2. Great work kitten!
