Monday, May 15, 2017

Meet n Greet with Gertie

Sorry about the late post but life has been caaaarrrraaaazzzzeeee. 
I won't get into it now but I am about to embark on a new journey. Oooooooooo.



The vintage sewing circles were a flurry with excitement with news that THE Gertie would be travelling the hellish 16 hour plane trip Down Under to promote her new line of fabrics at Spotties.

OK I hear some of you yowl "Who the heck is this Gertie woman?"

Oh..... only the writer of the successful blog Gertie's Blog for Better Sewing that has like 50 gazillion followers, the writer of not one but THREE fantastic sewing books (yes I have all three)
, designers of gorgeous vintage patterns for Butterick (yes I own most of them) and creator of a stunning line of vintage inspired fabrics...... THAT'S ALL !!!!

I almost peed my beige seam frees in excitement when the wonderful Kristina from Needlefruit Sewing Lounge invited me to come along to an intimate meet n greet with Gertie.

The night was held that  Needlefruit at the Gap and it was just the BEST NIGHT.


I was nervous about meeting Gertie because I was intimidated by her incredible beauty and well, freaking amazing success but ...... dammit.......she was just so gosh darn lovely and sweet.  

During the night she chatted to us all and had a Q&A session about what's next for her 
(SPOILER - Her own line of patterns called CHARM PATTERNS BY GERTIE), more fabric designs, more tutorials and maybe even another book! PHEW!!

My date for the night - Susan

I had to admire her patience as we were like a interrogation mob firing questions at her like machine gun. But she was the ultimate lady and answered all of our questions with a beautiful smile and openness.

She went through her garments and verbally deconstructed them to show us how they were made and what notions she uses . eg horse hair braid and steel boning. 
I stood there like a doofus with my mouth a gape. 
I am the world LAZIEST sewer and so the thought of going to all that effort was mind numbing to me.  

It was such a wonderful atmosphere to be surrounded by like-minded people.  People who are passionate about creativity. People who are passionate about individuality. People who are addicted to purchasing insane amounts of fabric with no hesitation. Everyone was commenting about how lovely it was to be able to chat to others who 'get it'. The whole WHY DO YOU SEW?  Even though we didn't physically do it.... (might have been a bit awkies)... the room felt like one big group hug.

Everyone was so lovely and friendly and funny. I also got to meet some of my Facebook group (THOSE DARN SEW AND SEWS) members which was freaking awesome!!!!

 It became very obvious to me early on that I was definitely the least experienced sewer in the room and I was in the company of some VERY experienced dressmakers.  I hung my head in shame when I learned that I didn't know use LAP ZIPS in my sewing. The shame of it.  However, I was directed to some great youtube lap zip tutorials so that is about to change people.

At one stage a group of us were all around the table each comparing notes on the best way to gather 6 metres of fabric so it is even and you don't get RSI within half an hour.

Kristina and her husband were just the most wonderful hosts and Needlefruit is a lovely sewing space for classes. I am SEW (see what I did there) jealous of their sewing space. Oh that cutting table is to die for!

I must hand it to Gertie. This is quite the whirlwind tour of 'Strayla and by jingies I don't know how she does it.  I'm sure by the end of her trip, if she wasn't already famous in Australia she will be a Goddess now.  

I'm sure she must be sick to bloody death of having photos taken with people .... 
or in my case me whining to her "Gertie Gertie Gertie just one more selfie. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese"
She posed with everyone (looking breathtaking) and everyone was beside themselves with excitement and fan-girling.

Thank you Gertie for venturing all the way down the bottom of the planet to share your dreams and success and tips with us.  You are one of the most down to earth beautiful people I've met.

We hope you come back again one day.

Just not in Summer. It's just unbearable hot. In case you didn't already know 


  1. Enjoyed your post on Gertie as I am on her sites too. She is very helpful when it comes to questions about her patterns and adjustments to fitting our body too. Your very correct. She is extremely nice!

  2. YEAH! I have been looking forward to reading this post and thanks for the tip on Needle fruit, although I am soon to be living on the southside, I will eventually have time to sew again and it's great to get a recommendation of where to go :)

  3. I love the idea that sewing communities can feel like a big hug.
