We took a taxi out of Mick's old workplace - KKB. A lovely lady that Mick used to work with called Kay was shocked & surprised to see Mick again and quickly ushered us into a little table area and bought us some iced coffee (literally just a cold cup of black coffee with ice cubes). Soon a few more people stuck there heads in to say hello.
Kaneko joined us and then so did the boss. There were very honoured that Mick had made the effort to come and visit the company. The boss presented Mick with his business card and then they bought us out gifts of a beautiful fan & Japanese cloth. We told them that we were planning to go to Chi Chi Buya for dinner when the boss turned to Kaneko and instructed him that he was to take us out for dinner and drinks & pick us up. Too bad if he had something else on!
We finally left and Kaneko insisted on driving us back to New Neo Hotel. We organised to meet them at the restaurant at 7pm.
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